Should you use Linux?

Most of you, at least once, may have heard the term Linux OS! By any chance, if you have not heard about it, never mind! Here's an intro to Linux OS in short!

Linux is a family of Open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel. This family of Operating Systems was released by Linus Torvalds, a Finnish Software Engineer. This means that Linux OS is not just One Operating System as such, but a Family of Operating Systems and there are various distributions in this family of Operating System!

While there is the Windows OS by Microsoft Corporation, the most User-friendly and the most popular OS, should you use Linux OS? For that, I’ve tested the Windows OS and the Family of Linux OS on the parameters of their own Pros and Cons!

Windows OS


  • It is User-friendly.
  • It is the most popular Operating System in the world.
  • A Windows OS Desktop is compatible with most of the programs and software in the market!
  • Also, Windows OS comes pre-loaded in most of the computers. However, there are quite a few exceptions like MacOS of Apple Inc. and Raspberry Pi!
  • Windows provides a great experience for Gaming!


  • The Windows OS gets slower and slower when it starts getting old over a period of time!
  • Windows OS is not free unlike the Family of Linux OS.
  • The Windows OS is a ‘Closed source’ OS.
  • Windows OS requires high hardware requirements.
  • It has poor security as the source code is closed, vulnerabilities cannot be fixed by the common public
  • It has poor technical support.
  • Need for Antivirus.
  • Poor stability!
  • Windows OS collects data! Microsoft uses diagnostic data to keep Windows secure and up to date, troubleshoot problems, and make product improvements!

Data which Microsoft collects

Linux OS


  • The family of Linux OS are Open-sourced, unlike Windows OS.
  • Distros of the Linux OS are absolutely free.
  • Since developers are continuously contributing to the distros of Linux OS, they are continuously fixing the vulnerable security loop-holes in the OS. Linux OS does not require Anti-virus, which is at times Costly!
  • Linux OS collects less data as compared to Windows OS.
  • There are fewer hardware requirements for Linux OS.
  • Linux is the best option as an Operating System for programmers!
  • Linux OS does not slow down even after it gets old.
  • Linux OS provides a larger community support.
  • Linux is fully customizable!


  • Linux is not user-friendly, unlike Windows OS!
  • Gaming is not that great on Linux.
  • Drivers exist in Linux but there are limited options!

So finally! Do we have the answer to, ‘Should you use Linux’? Well, YES!

If you are a Programmer &/ Developer, then you should definitely use Linux as your OS as it is fully customizable! Also, it is Secure and Fast! But which Distro? For Programmers’ &/ Developers Debian and Fedora are good options! But of course, you can try other distros!

If you are not a Developer &/ Programmer and you still want to use Linux for general work as an alternative for Windows, you should try using the most popular Linux OS distro is Ubuntu or Mint!

I have also made quite a few searches on the web and as a reference, I have given below the links!

Pros and Cons of Windows OS

Pros and Cons of Linux

Most popular Linux Distros